Is it Passion or just for Fame ?

In my opinion most kids who want to become dj's, want to do it just for the fame because its what they see on tv, that makes them think that if they become a dj then they will be playing for thousands and thousands of people in a short amount of time, thus creating more dj's (the OVER POPULATION OF DJ's in SOUTH AFRICA) as a problem. But for me in my opinion its more about the passion because without a passion and a drive, you can't set goals and make yourself really work towards playing for those thousands and thousands of people. #DjMarcYoung

What about the 80% out there that get nothing? Well its because the club, pub and shisanyama owners see no point in wasting their money paying well established experienced dj's. Don't get me wrong but its known that the new boys will come to these places and will just be happy with just making the crowd happy forgetting that they need transport money, some drink and others need to get new music and without that payment it won't happen. Thats how i see over population of dj's as a negative. Some have lost the plot and are in it for the fame and the women since there is that thought that dj's get the women. Thats an element some don't think of. We are in this for the passion and love and its very easy to spot the difference between a passionate dj and one in it for the lime light.

Well its funny we all say that the over population of deejays does not affect us in any way but it does. Look at it this way how many of us get paid for our time, our dedication to bringing pleasure to our fellow music lovers? I'd say 20% of us do get paid.

Muzika Fame

Well its funny we all say that the over population of deejays does not affect us in any way but it does. Look at it this way how many of us get paid for our time, our dedication to bringing pleasure to our fellow music lovers? I'd say 20% of us do get paid.