Aycliffe Today Business Aycliffe Today Business Issue 31 | Page 11
The magazine for Aycliffe Business Park | 11
Pease Way Medical
Centre practice
partners, Dr Andrew
Clarke (left) and Dr
Geoff Walker, want to
help businesses and
individuals by speeding
up the resolution of
occupational health
A healthy workforce makes good business
Doctors at a Newton Aycliffe practice are rolling out a new service for businesses to access
quick and cost-effective occupational health advice which could save them time and money.
By Martin Walker
report earlier this year showed
that workplace absence is
currently costing the UK economy
£18 billion in lost productivity –
part of an increasing trend that
has seen workplace absence increase year-
on-year since 2011.
But the analysis from the Centre of
Economic and Business Research predicts
that the cost of absence will increase to
£21bn in 2020, and to £26bn in 2030.
Doctors at Pease Way Medical Centre,
in Newton Aycliffe, now want to help
companies and employees by speeding
up the occupational medical process and
ultimately getting people back to work
Practice partners, Dr Geoff Walker and Dr
Andrew Clarke, have more than 40 years’
experience between them – including 15
years in specialist occupational health.
They already work with a number of local
firms, including Ineos and Hitachi Rail, as
well as public sector organisations including
British Transport Police, Cleveland Police and
North Yorkshire County Council.
Now they’re offering an email advice
service to firms on Aycliffe Business Park
seeking quick advice on occupational health
and medical issues.
Dr Walker, who has been at the Aycliffe
practice since 2002, explained: “We see a lot
of people who are at various different stages
of their sickness absence which can cause
major problems for employers as well as
“We’ve seen people who’ve been off for
nine months, and yet it might be the first
time they’ve sought occupational advice,
which is crazy. The sooner you get the
advice, the better, because knowledge is
power and it will speed up a resolution to the
whole process.
“Often people think they can’t work
through some illnesses, but evidence is
unequivocal that work is a promoter of good
“So we see our role as being able to
offer advice to businesses, with regards to
balancing what’s best for the business and
what’s best for the individual employee,
resolving medical situations quicker and
easier for the benefit of all parties.”
Businesses can subscribe to a retainer
service from Pease Way, who say they can
guarantee a response within 48 hours. The
service would particularly be ideal for small
and medium sized firms who have up to
100 staff, but don’t have on-site medical
personnel. Where necessary a face to face
medical assessment can be arranged.
Dr Clarke, who has been at Pease Way
since 1993, said: “One of the problems
facing businesses these days is that the
occupational health process can be long and
drawn out when it doesn’t need to be.
“We’re offering a fairly low level advice
service, so clients could send us an email
looking for a bit of straightforward, quick
advice and we can get something back to
them, and we’ll get back within 48 hours.”
Dr Walker, who has undertaken medical
work for the Health and Safety Executive and
Oil & Gas UK, added: “We have experience
in a lot of different spheres.
“We understand the need to balance
the needs of the employer as well as the
individuals to get to resolve any occupational
health or general medical issues as quickly as
Businesses interested in talking to
Pease Way Medical Centre about the new
service can call 01325 528000 or email
[email protected]