Q:What do you think is the most difficult part of figure skating?
A: I believe the most difficult part of skating I believe is the mental aspect. Mentally as skaters we must prepare ourselves, be constantly on the ball with thinking and analyze ourselves. For myself and many other skaters the hardest part to skating is having the motivation and confidence to land that jump. The mental part of skating is a game, somedays your on and somedays your off, even the highest level of skaters have issues mentally. The mental aspect is harder to train than the physical aspect, but skaters need to know that mentally they need to train themselves as well to succeed.
Q:What are your future goals as a skater or coach?
A:As a skater I hope to finish my diamond dances and work towards a higher level in my freeskate to achieve the quad gold award. I also hope to be able to find more ways to perform and show my love and dedication of the sport to an audience in ice shows. As a coach I hope to further my education to further myself as a coach receiving more training to up my certification and knowledge of the sport. I also hope to be able to coach higher levels, and eventually up to the Olympic level. I hope to one day go to the Olympics with a skater. I also strive to coach my skaters to the best of my ability and do my best to help them achieve their dreams.
Q:What was the most difficult thing switching from skater to coach?
A:The hardest thing for me from switching from skater to coach is remembering that skaters all learn differently. As a skater you are taught one way and key words on how to do elements, but as a coach you have to remember that every skaters learns differently, so you always have to think of new ways, other than the way you’ve always been taught to learn skills.