AWCCI Magazines Afghan Women in Business (Issue 2) | Page 14
AWCCI Board of Directors member
participation in World Labor Organization
The 180th World Labor Organization Summit
has been held at the United Nations Headquar-
ters in Geneva, Switzerland, on 10 June 2019,
and lasted until June 21, 2019.
this meeting, and thankfully the representative
of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of
Afghanistan also participated on behalf of the
One of the major issues discussed at the con-
ference was the prohibition of discrimination
against the work of children and women, while
in Afghanistan today there are more than four
million child laborers who work at the lowest
social and lowest rates, and women are not
in big trouble. Only in the workplace, but also
at home and in other communities, they are
“struggling for their work”
These problems included violence, abuse, ine-
quality of salaries, low material and moral bene-
fits, lack of security, lack of financial resources,
lack of financial independence, lack of income,
especially in provinces, and dozens of other is-
In this summit, high-level trilateral high-level sues. It is said that the results of these meetings
government representatives, high-level repre- have important implications for the work laws
sentatives of employers and high-level repre- of the member countries and play a significant
sentatives of workers from more than one hun- role in creating a better working environment,
dred and eighty-seven member states of the especially in the future for countries.
organization addressed important issues on
the unemployment scourge. Job creation and
better living standards for people in all coun-
tries of the world, including the poor and rich,
the problems of working in different countries
of the world, the safety of workers, the sala-
ries and privileges of workers at various levels,
and the prohibition of workers against wom-
en and children, Tripartite alliance between
member countries, formal and informal econ-
omy and similar issues Placed. This year, along
with other countries, the Trilateral delegation
of the Afghan government also participated in