2022 legislative review
Rep . Jessica Bateman , D-Olympia , is a member of the House Housing , Human Services & Veterans Committee .
tribes to negotiate with local governments in the planning process upon notification . If an agreement cannot be reached , the bill requires the parties to enter mediation . If no agreement is reached at the end of 60 days , there is no further obligation to reach an agreement . SHB 1717 passed the House by a vote of 92-6 , and the Senate by a vote of 46-0 .
HB 1838 riparian buffer zones
Failed / AWB Opposed
Sponsored by Rep . Debra Lekanoff , D-Bow , House Bill 1838 would have created buffers within certain lands adjacent to water . This bill would have required landowners who own certain properties adjacent to water to establish , maintain , and protect a riparian management zone . HB 1838 received a hearing in the House Committee on Rural Development and garnered significant opposition from business , agriculture organizations , landowners , and farmers . In some cases , this bill would have required landowners to pull nearly half of their property out of production or common use . AWB opposed HB 1838 and it died in the policy committee .
SB 5042 anti-vesting
Passed / Awb Opposed
Sponsored by Sen . Jesse Salomon , D-Shoreline , Senate Bill 5042 changes the effective date of certain actions taken under the Growth Management Act to 60 days after the date of publication of notice of adoption . The business community is concerned this bill removes the presumption of validity that every other action of a local legislative body has under the GMA . Vesting protections create certainty for both developers and local governments and this bill chips away at those protections , increasing costs for local governments , and creating delay in both the local planning and local development process . SB 5042 passed the Sente by a vote of 27-20 and the House 55-43 .
HB 1782 / SB 5670 middle housing
Failed / AWB Supported
Upon request of the governor and sponsored by Rep . Jessica Bateman , D-Olympia and Sen . Mona Das , D-Kent , HB 1782 and SB 5670 would have created additional middle housing near transit and in areas traditionally dedicated to
40 association of washington business