issue area reports | land use and construction
Land Use and Construction
Michael Ennis : Infrastructure , Land Use , Telecom , Rural Vitality
In recent years , the Legislature has been positioning itself to take on comprehensive reforms to the Growth Management Act ( GMA ) but once again , efforts stalled during the short , 60-day session . The Legislature even failed to find agreement on the governor ’ s request middle housing bill , which was generally supported by most stakeholders , including AWB . The housing challenges in this state are well understood . We simply don ’ t have enough supply . This has led to an unbalanced housing market , and a missing middle rung on the housing ladder , contributing to our state ’ s current housing and affordability crisis . There is no single solution , and one bill is not going to solve these issues by itself . It will take incremental steps , over multiple years before we start experiencing improvements . Given the significance of the housing challenges across the state , the conversations will continue next session .
E2SHB 1099 gma climate change
Failed / AWB Opposed
Sponsored by Rep . Duerr , D-Bothell , Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1099 , among other provisions , would have added climate change and resiliency to the requirements of local governments planning under the Growth Management Act . The bill would have also required local governments to create actions that reduce emissions and vehicle miles traveled . The business community is concerned that adding additional requirements under the GMA would increase costs and permitting time , and it would place the burden of compliance on local governments who already lack time , expertise , and resources . E2SHB 1099 passed the House by a vote of 57 to 41 and the Senate by a vote of 31 to 16 , but both chambers were unable to reconcile the differences before the session adjourned and the bill died .
E2SHB 1117 gma salmon recovery
Failed / AWB Opposed
Sponsored by Rep . Debra Lekanoff , D-Bow , Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1117 , among other provisions , would have added salmon recovery to the requirements of local governments planning under the Growth Management Act . The bill would have also required local governments to apply net ecological gain of salmon habitat on public projects . The concept of net ecological gain has been found to be a taking under the Constitution and local governments could be subject to the compensation requirements . The business community is concerned that this bill would increase costs for public utilities and transportation infrastructure , and that any private project adjacent to a public facility or one that relies on a public utility would have net ecological gain applied . E2SHB 1117 passed the House by a vote of 57-40 but it did not come up for a vote in the Senate .
E2SHB 1241 gma planning
Passed / AWB Neutral
Sponsored by Rep . Davina Duerr , D-Bothell , Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1241 would extend the cycle for local governments to revise their comprehensive plans and shoreline master plans from eight years to ten years . The bill would also require some counties to provide a progress report to the Department of Commerce five years after adoption of the comprehensive plan . 2ESHB 1241 passed the House with a vote of 55-43 and the Senate 27-21 .
SHB 1717 tribal participation in gma planning
Passed / AWB Neutral
Sponsored by Rep . Gerry Pollet , D-Seattle , Substitute House Bill 1717 creates criteria for local governments to include certain tribes when planning under the Growth Management Act ( GMA ). The bill allows
Bill considered as part of AWB ’ s voting record
Favorable outcome for Washington businesses
Missed Opportunities
special edition 2022 39