AVS Newsletter September 16 2016 | Page 2

MATHEMATICS First of all, I would like to congratulate all of the Year 11 students from last year, as their results were excellent and a real reward for all of their hard work. Maths homework Homework is an essential way to improve in maths, it is how students get the practice that they need to retain the facts and methods learned in the lesson. All maths staff set homework EVERY week and details can be found on Show My Homework. Please do get involved in your child’s homework and help us, help them reach their potential. We had many students last year that thanked us for the new style homework; as it really made a difference and contributed to their excellent grades. Year 7 Students have settled in well. We have now managed to assess them all and reorganise the groups where necessary. You should have seen your child’s exam paper and they will know what they need to work on to improve. We will continue to reassess students and adjust the groups accordingly. The next assessment is scheduled for October. There continues to be help available in Ma4 every Wednesday after school for all Year 7, 8 and 9 students. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Year 8 We have continued to work on the successes that students had last year. The first assessment for all Year 8 students will be in October, prior to the half term holiday, and they will bring the paper home shortly after half term along with their corrections. We will then make any changes to the setting that we feel will be beneficial. There continues to be help available in Ma4 every Wednesday after school for all Year 7,8 and 9 students. Year 9 We are now working really hard on the new style GCSE for all students in Year 9. This is more challenging than previous GCSEs have been and so students are being pushed in every lesson. The first assessment for all Year 9 students will be in October, prior to the half term holiday and as usual, they should bring the paper home shortly after the break along with their corrections. We will then make any changes to the setting that we feel will be beneficial. There continues to be help available in Ma4 every Wednesday after school for all Year 7,8 and 9 students. Year 10 We are continuing to work hard on the new style GCSE for all students in Year 10. The students will have their first assessment in October. Practice and revision will be essential over the next 20 months if students are going to reach their potential. Please do encourage your children to complete all of the homework set and also to find the time to do regular revision of past papers. This can be done using hard copies or using the excellent Maths Buster computer CD (available in school for just £6). There continues to be extra support available in Ma7 during Monday and Wednesday registration times, as well as Thursdays after school in Ma4. Year 11 Students have now sat their first mock GCSE Maths paper this year. They have gone through this in class and should have brought it home for you to see, and for them to use for revision. Regular revision from past papers will be essential this year if students are going to fulfil their potential in this important subject. This can be done using hard copies or using the excellent Maths Buster computer CD (available in school for just £6). The next mock exam will be a full set of 3 papers which will take place during the whole school mock session in November. There continues to be extra support available during registration times on Tuesday and Thursday in Ma7 as well as Tuesdays and Thursdays after school in Ma4. The Tuesday sessions will be topic specific and we will message parents to let them know if we require their child to attend. Any other Year 11 students are also welcome to attend if they feel the topic would be of benefit. I would also like to thank all parents for the efforts that I know that you have been putting in, to help us to ensure, that all students attend lessons with their pencil cases and other equipment. This really does make a big difference to the quality and quantity of work that we can do with students. If you have any questions at all regarding Maths or require a progress update, please do get in touch. The easiest way is to contact Mrs Tyas, Faculty Leader of Mathematics, by email at [email protected].