AV News Magazine | Page 5

AV News 200 - May 2015 C h a irm an 's C h a tte r Howard Bagshaw ARPS MPAGB It's mightily impressive isn't it, edition number 200, so can I thank you as readers for your ongoing interest and support. I'm sure that there will be some who will remember edition 1. My particular thanks, however, must go to all those who have, over the years, written for the magazine and for those who have edited the magazine, from Lady Doreen's production of edition 1, through to the current editors, John and Jill. It is a salutary reminder of the work that volunteers do to keep our hobby going and to keep this RPS group active. We are, however, an ageing bunch and in need of help. As you will see in their editorial, having done seven years of editing, John and Jill plan to stand down after the next issue. We need somebody(s) to carry on their good work. And it's very much the same situation with the RPS AV Competitions, we have a new team running the Nationals in September but the 'Internationals' team, having so splendidly run the event for many years, have decided to move on and let a new team with new ideas, take up the mantle. Can I ask you to think carefully about giving up some time, either to edit or co-edit AV News, or to join a team to run the annual AV Championship/Festivals? It's always temping to think that there will be somebody else round the corner, ready to jump in; could that 'somebody' be you? If you are at all interested, email me, give me a ring or have a word with a committee member, we will be honest about what the jobs entail (see the website for contact details: rps.org/av) The National Championships is 4 months away, in a slightly different form. Still a whole weekend, with live judging, but we are bringing back the Wildcard system of old, which will ensure that every sequence entered will be shown. And this time we are encouraging film/video entries as well as AV. Like the other national AV competitions, we are going to leave you, this year, to sort out your own accommodation, though we have suggestions. All you need to know about the event is on the RPS website rps.org/navc so I hope to see you there. For the first time the 'Multimedia' distinctions panel has an advisory day at a weekend and away from Bath, just what you've been asking for. So if you have any thoughts of getting a distinction, or just want to see what the standard is, go along to Oldbury in the West Midlands on Saturday 30th May. The next distinctions day (also worth a visit even if you're not applying) is at Bath on Saturday 31st October. Page 3