AV News Magazine | Page 4

AV News 200 - May 2015 E d ito rial Jill K Bunting CPAGB & John Smith APAGB CPAGB Well we finally made it - this is the 200th edition of AV News!! When we were each 'persuaded' seven years ago to take on the Joint Editorship of the magazine issue 174 was our first issue. Never in our wildest dreams did we think that we could stay the course and still be in the job when issue 200 came around. Surprisingly, despite all the trials and tribulations, we are still here.....for now! We have decided that issue 201 will be our last as we would have then produced 28 issues - around 1500 pages!! Sadly a number of our other commitments were having to take a back seat and so we have therefore advised the AV Group Committee of our intention to stand down at the AV Group AGM in September. This is where you come in!! There must surely be a number of budding Editors out there amongst the readership, willing to get involved and with new fresh ideas? If so the Chairman of the Group, Howard Bagshaw will be keen to hear from you. This decision is not something we have taken lightly and we still intend to continue with the AV News website and the AV Links newsletter (which sadly we have not been able to devote as much time to recently) .... provided of course that, as well as sending things to the new Editor(s) of AV News magazine, people are prepared to still send us their news of forthcoming events, subsequent reports of these events and all the competition results. Many things are changing within the AV world - a newly formed Nationals Committee made up mostly from members of the AV Group Committee is busy formulating this year's event taking place in Stafford from the 4th - 6th September - details of this can be found on Page 34. They deserve your thanks and support. We have also heard of the recent retirement, after many years of service, of the RPS Internationals Committee. These events don't happen by magic and there is now a great need for others to come forward and help out. Again if you feel you can spare the time then we urge you to get involved and have a word with Howard or any other member of the Committee. When we, along with Henry and Jean Mullarkey and Roy Appleby, took on the organising of the Great Northern Festival weekend we had to learn things very rapidly. See Page 33 for details of this year's event, we hope to see you there. It is with great pleasure that we welcome a new writer to this edition of the magazine - Andrew Chadwick with an excellent instructional article on 'Audio in PicturesToExe'. See Page 4, many thanks Andrew. Time to celebrate the 200th and break out the wine gums!! Page 2