AV News Magazine | Page 27

AV News 201 - August 2015 A V M a k e rs S o u th A fric a p re s e n ts a n In te rn a tio n a l A u d io V is u a l C o m p etitio n – ‘L IG H T ’ Supported by the National Laser Centre and Photonics Initiative of South Africa Entry is free and entries from around the world are invited Prizes include R12 000 cash (approximately US$1 000), medallions, a ribbon and PTE 9.0 licences Website: http://goo.gl/soh9aW for the full set of rules and further information Register here to receive updated news through the year: http://goo.gl/aQaEkk 1st September 2015 Entries open on the website 1st November 2015 Entries close 18th December 2015 Results announced and AVs shown at 15h00 at Outdoorphoto.co.za, Pretoria More information and Rules for both competitions available on www.avnews.org.uk P o rt E liz a b e th C a m e ra C lu b In te rn a tio n a l A u d io V is u a l F e s tiv a l 2 0 1 6 Judging Panel: Adri van Oudheusden FPSSA, APSSA(Vers.) Jill Sneesby Hon MPSSA, MPSSA, MFIAP, ESFIAP, Hon FIP. Wayne Webb APSSA Tuesday 15 March 2016: Entries close 19 - 21 March 2016: Live judging in Port Elizabeth 13 April 2016: Public show in Port Elizabeth 26 - 30 April 2016: AV Convention and AV Salon Awards Enquiries to Festival Director: Roel van Oudheusden Page 25