AV News Magazine | Page 26

AV News 201 - August 2015 C o m p etitio n R e su lts Adelaide AV Fest - Australia Citta di Garda - Italy Trophee de Paris - France Tauranga AV Salon - New Zealand A re a va ila ble o n w w w .a v n ew s .o rg .u k K C P A A V C o m p e titio n Saturday 14th November 2015 Hailsham Civic Community Hall, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX Judge Gerald Kityakara All are welcome to attend, Only entries from members of clubs who are Affiliated to the KCPA will be accepted More details on KCPA website or contact Lynette Benton T h e N a tio n a l A u d io V is u a l C h am p io n s h ip s 2 01 5 4th – 6th September 2015 at a new venue - Staffordshire University at Stafford. The National Audio Visual Championships are held biennially. The first event was held in 1980, and this, the 19th, is open to all AV and film/video producers resident in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. T h e ju d ge s fo r 2 0 15 a re : Linda Gibbs MPAGB AV-AFIAP Graham Sergeant FRPS Joan Ryder Rathband FRPS FPSSA DPAGB AFIAP This year will see the return of ‘The Wild Card’. The audience on the Friday will have the opportunity to view all the AVs that have not been pre-selected, and to vote for their favourites to be included in the main competition. The National Audio Visual Championships are also an important social event, giving an opportunity for AV workers around the country to meet, exchange ideas with other practitioners, and share the enjoyment of the ‘Best of British AV’ See more at: www.bit.ly/nationalav Page 24