Automotive Business Review September | Page 66

Wilde Things | by Fingal Wilde Dr Livingstone, I Presume I have a gardener whose name is Livingstone. A delightful fellow who hails from Malawi, even though Livingstone is in Zambia, if my map serves me correctly. Livingstone doesn’t mind me describing him as a gardener, but if his name was Pallo I am sure he would want to be described as a landscape consultant, or since he spends an inordinate amount of time keeping the lawn spick and span, maybe a prairie professor. W ith the amazing number of disclosures recently about people (mostly cadre appointees) claiming education levels far above the reality, I have got to a stage where if anyone claims a qualification I don’t believe it. It has got so bad that I have even checked my very own university qualifications, just in case I am living in a parallel universe, and have gone from being first world educated to a third world never never land of false degrees and made up CV’s. But back to Livingstone. As he is Malawian, I was interested ➲ An example of what happens when incompetent people are put in positions of authority is SANRAL and the e-toll fiasco. But other toll operators also suffer from this malaise – I took this picture of a toll road between in his education levels, as Nelspruit and Malelane, after they took R54 from me for spending three hours waiting while construction took compared to South Africa. place – when asked the cashier said that they needed the money to fix the road – but they should only charge After a long discussion, it toll fees when the road is fixed! But this is the logic you get when incompetent people are appointed appears that he has the equivalent of a South African government employers such as the matric, but not with a matric exemption. department of telecommunications and He happily admits this, and he is even postal services, and the SABC. happier to admit that even though he left This institution shall be known as the school at the ripe old age of 20, he has no Free University of Curriculum Knowledge, degrees. Sensible fellow, our Livingstone, Official Facts File. I have decided not to and one who is quite happy with his lot, allocate an acronym to this university, unlike his southern neighbours. And he although I am sorely tempted. has no airs and graces, and is someone who is quite content to be a good solid The degrees, qualifications and honorific citizen. Once again, very unlike his titles to be offered will be varied, such as southern neighbours. So I have come MBE (Matric Bought Expensively); PhD to the conclusion that the urge to be (Phallic Doctor, aka the Chippy Shaik So there, in one fell swoop, we someone you are not, and to acquire an award); B.Com (Blade Communism aka will become a highly degreed education far beyond your actual tertiary the Buy Expensive Cars and be more equal abilities, is a disease that makes us South nation, and even my gardener, than the proletariat degree); MBA (Master Africans unique. Well, at least some of us after attending or not attending of Bugger All – incidentally this degree is South A fricans. There are a few honest any institution, shall become a also awarded by many other mainstream people out there, I hope. horticultural graduate, and when universities); BSc (Bachelor of Shower Caps – equivalent to a standard three); and It is with this in mind that I have decided he comes to trim the hedges, the highly sought after BBA (Black Box to start an educational institution, to I shall say “Dr Livingstone, accolade aka the orange overall woodwork confer degrees that will surely impress I presume”. proficiency diploma). prospective government and quasi- | words in action 64 september 2014