Autism Research Report Autism Research Project Final | Page 9
more severe condition called Autism Spectrum Disorder
it affects the child from early childhood but Aspergers
Syndrome is a condition given to high functioning autistics
and can affect people in any age group making them
vulnerable to develop this disorder at any point in their
lifespan. It’s really hard for parents and family members to
have an Autistic family member because right now there
is no standard treatment for ASD. There are many ways
to increase ability to learn new skills. Starting them early
can lead to better results. The treatment include behaviour
and communication therapies, skill training and medicines
to disable symptoms at some extent. It is hard on parents
and siblings of Autistic children both emotionally and
financially to help them lead a better life. Globally, autism is
estimated to affect 21.7 million people as of 2013. It is said
to occur five times more often in boys than girls. Autism
is counted in one of the five pervasive developmental
disorder which makes people preconceive this as an
abnormality amongst them and sometimes term this as
a mental retardation. They differentiate between Autistic
people and typical people, keeping them away from the
opportunities they deserve. They discriminate between
them at schools, offices and at other social places. They
are not appreciated for the talent they hold on to but
instead they are looked up as disabled. Even though the
emergence of the autism rights movement has served as
an attempt to encourage people to be more tolerant of
those with autism but this hasn’t stopped people from
judging people with Autism. My idea is to contradict the
prevailing scenario by making a statement saying “Are
we abnormal to find normal people Autistic” to bring
out the whole similarity between us as humans. I will be
using the areas of similarities between us as humans with
reference to data collected over years by different Autism
centres and special schools. I will be using guidance from
videos and real life stories to understand Autism better
and make people understand the same. I have prepared
a questionnaire and distributed that to Autistic people as
well as to friends and people around to actually prove
through statistics that w e all are different and very alike at
the same time.