Autism Research Report Autism Research Project Final | Page 31

The design solution for this specific research and conclusion was decided to be in form of a ‘ video ’. The whole idea was to take over the major similarities proved throughout in the research document and shoot them with kids in order to show how normal everything seems if you just have the eye to actually see how similar we all are as Humans and appreciate how different we are as individuals instead of judging people over the tag they hold .
The whole idea of the video is to show all kind of kids and add in the simlarities of anxiety , putting things in order , not a lot of communication , to the basics of similariy as humans in total .
I wanted to make a montage like a music video showing everything in bits and parts . The whole idea is to show it like a normal music video but at the end ending adding the National Autistic Society and my research statement in the end .
I want to potray that it ’ s not what you always see but what your mind tells you because of the label that person holds .