Autism Research Report Autism Research Project Final | Page 29

pointed out for being like that. Most of the times people diagnose themselves or their near and dear ones after getting educated over this and that’s when the realisation kicks in. There are numerous examples that might help you to try and understand this even in a better way. Starting from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Shumaker, 2017), he kept on repeating his actions and kept his feet and hands in motion and today this composer and musician is a legend. Tim Burton was diagnosed by his wife when they were watching a documentary on Autism. It is said when Tim is working he doesn’t hear others but that’s what makes him such an excellent director. Andy Warhol as we all know and remember by the soup cans? That simple repetitive pattern that changed things and brought in a whole new Era of art. Temple Gradin as he stated himself “The thing about being Autistic is that you gradually get less and less autistic, because you keep learning, you keep learning how to behave. It’s like being in a play; I’m always in a play”. Albert Einstein had difficulty with social interactions, very tactile sensitivity, was very intelligent yet had difficulty in learning at school. He was called different all the time and today he is the reason we aren’t afraid to be different anymore. Charles Darwin’s actions and facts were supportive enough to say that he was autistic. Some of them being writing letters and avoiding conversations while getting obsessive, compulsive and ritualistic for his work. He is the reason we know what biological evolution actually is. Sir Isaac Newton was more of a small talk kind of a person. He strongly relied on schedules. His sticking to routines gave us his laws of motions to which our science revolves upon. Satoshi Tajiri who is the creator Pokemon makes it a lesser known fact that he is actually Autistic. 26