Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 54


To other parents out there who are feeling alone and afraid of the diagnosis , I encourage you not to be . There is nothing wrong with mourning things you will miss that maybe your kid won ’ t do , but I promise you they can do so much more . I know that some families are unsupportive , but you know how to do right by your kid .

in the fall . The transition was tough at first , but he was always ready to run to the bus in the morning . He has started acting like a big boy and I smile every time he proves wrong the many people who doubted him .
As most of you know , some of the things that stimulate kids on the spectrum can be tiring for us as parents . Damien watches the same parts of his movies over and over during Kindle time and has taken to banging noises because he likes the way the pressure feels on his arms . And the one thing that has this mommy a bit crazy is him shredding up every piece of paper or book he finds . I asked my husband if he was nesting , but he likes the sensation of shredding , and he likes to put different colors over the Kindle . We have started to get him to feel safe sleeping in his bed by using a bed tent . The only thing we have struggled with is potty training , but I see him making so many strides every day . For a minute , the idea of my kid having autism made me lash out at the people who made the comments , and now I just wish I could teach people tolerance and help them understand that just because a kiddo is on the spectrum doesn ’ t mean he ’ s not smart or can understand everything going on around him .
I ’ ve taken the philosophy that Damien had to let me into his world first before I could gently work on helping him in a non-ASD world . It has helped him wonders as he is very cuddly and always wants to lay in his tent with me , and we play with sensory toys that I found on Amazon . Really , I am the lucky one , because his smile wins me over . He now trusts me to come out of his world . He does not have sensory meltdowns in public ; in fact , he loves to go out to dinner with people . He knows where his coat and backpack go after school , he asks with signs or uses the
Picture Exchange Communication System ( PECS ) for things , and he can work electronics better than I can . Being an autism mom has taught me so much , especially that my son is a hero and he can do anything .
To other parents out there who are feeling alone and afraid of the diagnosis , I encourage you not to be . There is nothing wrong with mourning things you will miss that maybe your kid won ’ t do , but I promise you they can do so much more . I know that some families are unsupportive , but you know how to do right by your kid . I found autism less scary the more I read and asked questions . Behaviors can be hard , but they can get better . The hardest part I have dealt with is my son not talking except saying “ my Momma .” I want to hear that little voice so much , and I believe in my heart it will happen one day . These kids have so much potential .
Don ’ t be afraid to venture into their world , even if you feel silly sitting in a ball pit because you are making a bond that lasts . The littlest things that bring a smile to my lil ’ man ’ s face amaze me . I have found mom support groups to be super helpful because the other moms understand what it can be like . I would just like to leave us all on this last note : The world better watch out because our ASD kids are going to take it by storm .
Andrea Taylor is 31 years old and is disabled from a chronic illness that left her needing a transplant . For now , she spends her life devoted to her son and raising awareness about autism . He is six years old and loves to cuddle with Mommy and wrestle with Daddy . They live in Columbia , Mo , and are currently considering doing an autism walk .
54 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65