Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 53

PERSONAL NARRATIVE Walking in His World While Helping Him Into Ours  By Andrea TAYLOR Until he turned three, I felt like everything we were going through was just what kids went through. Then Damien stopped talking, made repetitive movements, and we noticed him doing different things with textures and sounds. We know now he has sensory problems, but I am not going to lie, I felt so lost during that time. We went to doctor after doctor and were told that he would stop on his own, and when we finally got him the referral to the head autism center, we had to wait over a year to be seen. A s a mom, I can tell you that Damien’s be- haviors could be scary and aggressive, and they scared and overwhelmed me. I thought if I did better, he would do bet- ter—but my family said it was because he didn’t have enough discipline. I couldn’t stand that I was allowing myself to feel anger for a four-year-old child because I was letting people fill my head with the lie that he could control it. In March of 2016, we officially got the autism spec- trum disorder (ASD) diagnosis. I broke down for 24 hours thinking I must have done something wrong (obviously, I know now I didn’t). I was just so angry that my baby was having to go through this, that he was trapped in his own world, and I didn’t have the key yet. After that 24-hour period crying and throw- ing a pity party, I stood up and started reading ev- erything I could about kids on the spectrum, I got him specialists, and I figured out I was no longer an- gry anymore. I knew the problem, and I knew that I was going to be there right next to him however he needed me. Other people offered judgments still claiming we just needed to force him to do things, and they didn’t want to take him in public in case he had a bit of a sensory meltdown. I decided right then and there that if my family didn’t want to learn, that was fine because I would learn all I could. He even went to a special preschool and started kindergarten Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 65 | 53