Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 37

PERSONAL NARRATIVE was stressed at school, I could always think about re- cent trips that I had had with him to different match- es and ground or look forward to up-and-coming matches. I would always buy a program from each and every match I attended, and if ever I was feeling a little stressed or panicky during the school day, I would always have somewhere quiet I could go to have a read of my programs. My Grandad has also been someone who has had a huge part in my life. Every Friday evening, without fail, I would go after school and stay the night at his house, which again gave me something to look forward to. As I have be- come older and have started my own business creat- ing promotional videos, I have started to stay at his house more often, some weeks spending more time at his house than at my own. As I mentioned previously, living with Asperger’s has had its many challenges—not only for me but also for my family. My dad, for instance, put a lot of time into helping me get my statement (for special needs) and in fighting a lot of my battles at school. They includ- ed incidents such as teachers not understanding my Asperger’s, homework struggles, changes that were made to the school day, and many more. My Mum, on the other hand, felt the full force of my stresses and challenges and has been the one person who has always been there through most of them. Now that I have become an adult, I have been able to cope better in stressful situations and find solu- tions that help me when I am feeling stressed. I have started my own little business creating promotional videos and have an ambition to become a TV pre- senter in sports or children’s TV, which are my two main passions. Being able to share my experiences with Asperger’s will hopefully help others, and I feel lucky and privileged to be able to do this. Alex Manners is 20 years old and from the UK. He was diagnosed with As- perger’s syndrome when he was 10 years old and looks upon his Asperg- er’s as positive. It is something that brings out his colorful, quirky, and unique personality. He has an ambition to become a TV presenter and also has an aim to watch a match at all 92 English Football League Clubs.  Website Facebook Twitter YouTube Channel