Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 65(Member's Dashboard) | Page 14

AUTISM SOLUTIONS Olli is now playing with other young people at col- lege and enjoys singing covers from his favorite bands, REM, and Oasis. His gentle and good nature makes him a popular bandmate, coupled with his dedication to the music. He is a musical being, and being musical seems to bring him closer to his soul. Dominique Levack is a music specialist in Brighton, England. She studied at Nordoff Robbins in London and works with various clients with mixed pathol- ogies, including dementia, autism, and Down syn- drome. She enjoys using music interventions and singing to connect and create, and she was present- ed with The John Lennon Songwriting Award by the PRS in her early career. Through music, Dominique helps to all ow clients to express themselves and re- alize their musical potentials, especially when other means of communication isn’t always possible. Website Twitter Sign up to our email newsletter and receive FREE bonus content, video interviews on Autism Parenting, discounts on magazine issues and the latest Autism Information. Get Access Now Privacy Policy: We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. Copyright 2015 © / All Rights Reserved