Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 82

What ’ s New on the

Bookshelf ?

Expect a Miracle :

Understanding and Living with Autism

By David Petrovic , BA , MAT and Sandy Petrovic , RN , BSN

Co-authored from the separate voices of an autistic young adult and his mother , this work makes it possible to experience life from the perspective of a person on the spectrum , thus enabling an intricate understanding . The book uniquely chronicles the challenges and victories of each developmental stage from toddlerhood through young adulthood . It includes experiences with bullying , college preparation and success , and employment .

Inspiring hope , encouragement , and ideas , this book would be valuable to persons with Autism Spectrum Disorder / Asperger ’ s , their parents and loved ones , and professionals who teach and counsel them . It would also benefit employers , co-workers , and anyone interested in autism . Each chapter concludes with practical tips and lessons learned from the authors ’ experiences .
Especially helpful for parents of newly diagnosed children , this book is also a required read in several college courses , enlightening the professionals of tomorrow .
David progressively writes more each chapter , until the last is almost all from him , letting you enter his mind and heart . Find out why it is entitled Expect a Miracle — it ’ s not what you think !
For more information , go to our website and watch the book trailer on the home page :
https :// aspergermiracles . com
27-year-old David Petrovic , BA , MAT is a national speaker , including his presentation of a TEDx Talk in 2016 . He is an employed middle school teacher certified in language arts and social studies . David recently earned a Master of Arts in Theology with a Pastoral Theology Specialization . He aspires to teach high school , and he is considering a vocation with the Catholic clergy . His most exciting recent achievement is moving into his own apartment , now living independently .
Sandy Petrovic , RN , BSN is a tutor / instructional advisor at a college academic support center for students with learning differences . She is also a public speaker alongside her son , when requested or fitting for the audience . After 3 years of serving as co-chair for the Milestones National Autism Conference , held annually in Cleveland , Ohio , Sandy is now on its executive committee .
82 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125