Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 81

Autism Behavior Solutions
You are out for a drive in the car . You get a flat tire . You must call for help and your child ’ s routine is interrupted . This is when you remember that you packed the emergency level five kit . It ’ s in the trunk . It has a new video game for his / her iPad , a favorite snack , and some sensory toys . You also have him / her take deep breaths and let him / her know everything is going to be alright . Show him / her the spare tire and show a quick video on your phone of a toy truck coming to help
When you are able to identify your son or daughter ’ s red flags , and you are helping him / her to develop coping strategies , he / she can learn not to overreact and how to get through challenging times .
It is also good to teach your son or daughter that some passions and feelings are better expressed in private , at home , and not in public . Let him / her know that you will discuss the issue at home , and together you can find a solution .
Pointing out to your son or daughter that his / her dramatic expression may scare a friend or make a teacher angry could help him / her be more expressive in a more positive manner .
Karen Kaplan , MS just completed 10 years as Executive Director of Wings Learning Center , a school for children 5-22 years old with Autism Spectrum Disorders , located in Redwood City , CA . She served as an instructor in the Autism Spectrum Certificate program at Alliant University . She completed her BS and MS in Speech Pathology from ASU . She minored in Special Education and holds an Educational Administrative Credential and Moderate to Severe teaching Credential .
Karen has sat on nonprofit boards to help build capacity for those with special needs . She founded and directed a residential school for nearly 20 years in Sacramento . She is an author and speaker . She spent time globally helping non-governmental agencies in Indonesia and Africa . Currently , she is consulting with families , schools , and adult programs .

www . karenkaplanasd . com

� karensupportsu @ comcast . net

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Autism Parenting

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EvIdENCE vS . SpECULATIoN : How to Know Which ASd Therapies Work
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Sensory Enrichment Therapy : A New Approach
SenSory SolutionS for life



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4 PracTIcal InTErvEnTIonS to Help Develop Social Skills
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Sensory Integration and Special Needs in the Dental Office
How to Improve Self-Help Skills
With Video Self-Modeling
Best Ways to
Prepare Your Child With ASD for the Workplace
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Raising a Child With autism

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The First Day Of School : What You Need To Know
Tips on Improving Social Skills for School
Fostering Independence With ASD
First-Time ABA Therapy Advice
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Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125 | 81