Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 11

Applied Behavior Analysis ( ABA )
structured . Being able to apply such skills on a playground with other children is the practical application dimension of ABA
� 5 . Conceptually Systematic . This refers to the ABA treatment being scientifically-based and applied , to improve understanding and behavior in any person receiving ABA therapy
� 6 . Analytic . ABA technicians need to ensure that all data collected during programs is accurate so that the BCBA therapist can observe and analyze data to apply the principles of ABA to enable change
� 7 . Behavior . Behaviors need to be observed and measured for each individual so that scientifically-backed ABA principles can be applied to improve behaviors in clinical settings and at home


Applied behavior analysis can be used as an intervention strategy not only to understand certain behavior better , but also to change or modify be- haviors through scientifically-based principles . Any individual can learn more about ABA therapy through their doctor or professionals in the autism community . The basic principles of ABA therapy are designed to help alter challenging behaviors over time into more functional and “ appropriate ” behaviors .
Carol Tatom , RBT is a mother of four children , including a child with autism . She works as a behavior technician for Autism Response Team Texas and has served on the committee for the Dallas Chapter of Autism Speaks for three years . Carol is currently finishing her Bachelor ’ s degree in Human Services with a concentration in Child and Family Services . When Carol is not working , she is often found volunteering within the autism community .
Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125 | 11