Autism Parenting Magazine Issue 125 (Member's Dashboard) | Page 10

Applied Behavior Analysis ( ABA )
For example , if the child from the grocery store scenario has a temper tantrum at the checkout line over a candy bar , and the parent says , “ No !” and blocks access to the candy bars , the child will cry louder and physically act out more aggressively to gain access to tangibles and instant gratification ( this is the function behind the negative behavior ). When the parent remains firm on the “ No ”, the child eventually learns that no matter how loud he or she cries or how big of a scene is made at the grocery store , he / she will not receive access to the desired tangibles , and reinforcements will not be given for negative behaviors .

What are the seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis ?

Applied behavior analysis has seven different dimensions — supported by scientifically-based research — for children with autism spectrum disorders ( ASD ). The seven dimensions of applied behavior analysis to encourage behavior change are : 1 ) Generality , 2 ) Effective , 3 ) Technological , 4 ) Applied , 5 ) Conceptually Systematic , 6 ) Analytic , 7 ) Behavioral . Below , I cover each dimension with more detail : why : the child will need to master the skill with various BCBA technicians and sometimes within multiple settings to ensure he / she truly masters the target behavior
� 2 . Effective . The BCBA therapist will regularly study the data taken by the behavior technicians to make sure the targets and goals are being met . Adjustments and changes will be made as often as needed to ensure the ABA therapy is continuing to be effective and that the client is continuing to make progress
� 3 . Technological . The ABA intervention programs compiled by the BCBA therapist need to be administered in the same manner by each technician or involved person to effectively modify behavior . “ Technological ” refers to having all individual treatment-based programs written in detail so that anyone can run the program . This is very important for parents , as it facilitates the continuance of behavior modification at home
� 4 . Applied . This refers to teaching skills that can be carried over to real life situations . Learning functional play skills in a clinic is very
� 1 . Generality . When a child receives ABA therapy in a clinical setting , this does not always carry over to the home environment . This is
10 | Autism Parenting Magazine | Issue 125