Autism Connection of PA Newsletter Spring 2018 | Page 3

“Everyone deserves a chance…to fly!” So go the words to the song during Wicked! which was just one of the highlights of what we, along with our partners, were calling “Wicked Week.” Because of the incredibly generous spirit of the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, we were able to participate in many press events (TV, newspaper, radio and vlog) to discuss the value and practices of creating autism-friendly theater experiences. The cast and crew lead the way by listening to advisors from the autism community at dress rehearsal, who gave verbal and nonverbal feedback about their comfort level with sound and light elements. Like magic, our Wicked-good friends adapted all aspects of effects to perfectly fit the Benedum theater, creating an amazing experience for the audience.

The show was so good that barely anyone moved from their seats, and most clapped, yelled, or sat in awe throughout the show. The afternoon ended with a curtain call where the entire cast waved their fidgets back at us in solidarity! Upon leaving, one mom who attended with her older teen son grabbed my arm and said “I think we are all learning to go to the theater!” That’s what it’s all about – learning to enjoy a brief imaginary escape together, and taking home unforgettable memories. One patron talked with me via his letter board after the show and I asked him what he thought about it. He gave me his opinion about the show’s theme and related it to disability. Culture! It’s all about enjoying that day, and then planning for the next chance to be transported via the senses to another place, just for a little while!