nties and states and change over time . We suggest ur family and watching for changes in programming
Big Red Safety Box
The Big Red Safety Box from the National Autism Association is a free toolkit that offers preventative safety tools for people with ASD . This includes safety window clings for homes and cars , an ID bracelet and safety wristband . More information can be found at nationalautismassociation . org / big-red-safety-box .
Safety Products & Services
AutismSpeaks has made a large list of resources to get window decals , ID cards , and other safety products for children with ASD . Many of these resources are free or low cost . More information can be found at autismspeaks . org / safetyproducts-and-services .
lice es 5-10 ) Marietta Collins , PhD , and Ann Hazard , PhD
of updated resources for children , caretakers , le at apa . org .
bout social justice , police interactions , and safety . earching “ social stories police .”