Autism and the Police Parent Resource Guide | Page 4

Safety products & resources

Resources and services often differ widely between counties and states and change over time . We suggest starting the process of finding relevant resources for your family and watching for changes in programming in your specific area .
This program allows people to register phone numbers with important information ( such as diagnoses , medical conditions , allergies , and medicines ), which are then automatically displayed when that phone number places an emergency call . More information can be found at smart911 . com .
CIT officers
When calling 911 , ask if a Crisis Intervention Trained Officer ( CIT ) can be there due to your child having ASD or a mental health diagnosis . More information can be found at citac . co / about .
Safety Planning
Safety . com has guidelines and tips that can be useful in thinking about when drafting a safety plan for your child with ASD . More information can be found at safety . com / autism-safety .
Big Red Safety Box
The Big Red Safety Box from the National Autism Association is a free toolkit that offers preventative safety tools for people with ASD . This includes safety window clings for homes and cars , an ID bracelet and safety wristband . More information can be found at nationalautismassociation . org / big-red-safety-box .
Safety Products & Services
AutismSpeaks has made a large list of resources to get window decals , ID cards , and other safety products for children with ASD . Many of these resources are free or low cost . More information can be found at autismspeaks . org / safetyproducts-and-services .

Books and websites

Books for kids about racial injustice and police
• Mama , Did you Hear the News ? by Sanya Whittaker Gragg ( ages 5-10 )
• Something Happened in Our Town , by Marianne Celano , PhD , Marietta Collins , PhD , and Ann Hazard , PhD ( ages 4 to 8 ; also available to read online at apa . org )
• The American Psychological Association has also made a list of updated resources for children , caretakers , and teachers to talk about diversity and social justice , available at apa . org .
Social Stories
• Autism & The Police : A Book for Black and Brown Kids
• Teachers Pay Teachers offers many social stories at low cost about social justice , police interactions , and safety . These stories may be found at teacherspayteachers . com by searching “ social stories police .”