Australian Doctor Australian Doctor 7th September 2018 | Page 16

NOW PB S LISTED 1/8/18 FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES A simple way to be smart about basal and bolus 1 A unique combination of a new ultra- long acting insulin (degludec) + the world’s number 1 prescribed bolus insulin (aspart) in 1 pen 1-3 PROVEN CONTROL Proven HbA 1c reductions with rapid PPG control 1,4-7 LOW RISK Lower risk of hypoglycaemia vs. BIAsp 30 1,7-10 SIMPLE TO USE One dose with the largest meal 1* Genius! PBS Information: Ryzodeg ® 70/30 is listed on the PBS for treatment of adult patients with diabetes mellitus where insulin treatment is necessary. Please review Product Information before prescribing. The Product Information can be accessed at Ryzodeg ® 70/30 (70% insulin degludec (rys) / 30% insulin aspart (rys)). Indication: To improve glycaemic control in adult patients with diabetes mellitus requiring basal and prandial insulin. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to insulin degludec, insulin aspart or to any of the excipients. Precautions: Must be taken with a carbohydrate containing meal. Hypoglycaemia may occur due to omission of a meal, unplanned strenuous physical exercise, dose too high in relation to insulin requirement, co-administration with insulin secretagogues or GLP-1 agonists. The prolonged effect of Ryzodeg ® 70/30 may delay recovery from hypoglycaemia. Hyperglycaemia may occur due to inadequate dosing and/or discontinuation of treatment or concomitant illness, and may potentially lead to diabetic ketoacidosis. Insulin administration may cause insulin antibodies to form. No clinical experience in pregnant women (Category B3) or breast-feeding. Not for use in children and adolescents below 18 years. Must not be mixed with other insulins. Interactions: OADs, GLP-1 receptor agonists. Cases of cardiac failure have been reported when thiazolidinediones were used in combination with insulin. Others, see Full PI. Adverse effects: Hypoglycaemia, injection site reactions. Dosage and method of use: Administered once- or twice-daily with the main meal(s). Flexibility in the timing of administration allowed as long as it is dosed with the main meal(s). In T2DM, use alone, in combination with OADs, and in combination with bolus insulin. Recommended starting dose for T2DM: 10 units with dose adjustments. In T1DM, use in combination with short-/rapid-acting insulin at the remaining meals. Recommended starting dose for T1DM: 60-70% of the total daily insulin requirements. Dosed in accordance with individual patients’ needs. See Full PI. Subcutaneous use only. Not for intravenous or intramuscular use. Must not be used in insulin infusion pumps. (Feb 2018). *Daily dose can be split between the two largest meals. 1 Abbreviations: BIAsp 30, biphasic insulin aspart 30; HbA 1c , glycosylated haemoglobin; PPG, postprandial glucose. References: 1. Ryzodeg ® 70/30 Product Information. 2. Internal calculations based on QuintilesIMS database. QuintilesIMS MMIDAS (Feb 2017). 3. Haahr H, Fita EG, Heise T. Clin Pharmacokinet. 2017; 56(4): 339-54. 4. Heise T, Nosek L, Roepstorff C, et al. Diabetes Ther. 2014; 5(1): 255-65. 5. Kumar A, Franek E, Wise J, et al. PLoS One. 2016; 11(10): e0163350. 6. Kumar S, Jang HC, Demirağ NG, et al. Diabet Med. 2017; 34(2): 180-8. 7. Fulcher GR, Christiansen JS, Bantwal G, et al. Diabetes Care. 2014; 37(8): 2084-90. 8. Christiansen JS, Niskanen L, Rasmussen S, et al. J Diabetes. 2016; 8(5): 720-8. 9. Hassanein M, Echtay AS, Malek R, et al. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2018; 135: 218-26. 10. Franek E, Haluzík M, Canecki Varžić S, et al. Diabet Med. 2016; 33(4): 497-505. Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd. ABN 40 002 879 996 Level 3, 21 Solent Circuit, Baulkham Hills, NSW, 2153 NovoCare ® Customer Care Centre (Australia) 1800 668 626. ®Registered trademark of Novo Nordisk A/S. AU/RY/0018/0045a. Date of Preparation: July 2018.