Australian Doctor 19th April issue | Page 11

ausdoc . com . au 19 APRIL 2024


TGA accused of semaglutide fail

Sarah Simpkins A DOCTOR who received warm
against injecting it . This month , Four Corners reported
The Queensland doctor said it was “ disappointing that the TGA
She called it a “ really big stuff-up ” on several levels .
‘ compounded ’ semaglutide through
that other GPs had received faxes
had not cottoned on to this sooner
“ Doctors would expect the TGA to
the post that she refused to inject
advertising the same pharmacy — Total
or put measures in place ”.
be onto this and providing guidance .
says it is disappointing it took an
Compounding Pharmaceuticals —
“ It does not take a genius to
That should be check one .
ABC exposé to jump-start a TGA
promoting compounded semaglutide .
realise that , if there is a shortage
“ Check two would be that a doctor
investigation into the pharmacy .
In the program , Four Corners ’ jour-
of this medication , you can expect
checks out the company .”
The Queensland doctor , who asked
nalists purchased semaglutide without
pop-up pharmacies to take advan-
She said the faxes with no phone
not to be named , was prescribed com-
a script and then tracked the compa-
tage of that situation .”
number or physical address may
pounded semaglutide by her GP .
ny ’ s address — a Sydney pharmacist ’ s
She complained to the TGA about
have rung alarm bells with GPs “ but
She paid around $ 150 for 4-6
house — with help from a US patient .
her semaglutide order months ago .
as doctors , we trust the system ”.
weeks ’ supply , but it arrived in the
After receiving the tip-off , TGA
“ Yet from what I can tell , it
“ We think , ‘ This guy is selling
mail with melted icepacks , raising
officials then raided the house and
is only very recently that it has
compounded semaglutide ; he must
enough questions for her to decide
took vials of semaglutide for testing .
decided to act on it .”
have ticked all the boxes .’”

Fears over medicinal cannabis

cannabis products
estimated that 30 % of imports
from Canada — the largest
supplier of medicinal cannabis
to Australia — did not
match the strength of the
active ingredients listed on
the labels .
It went on to suggest that
20 % of material grown overseas
and imported might
also contain microbiological
contaminants .
“ It ’ s potentially dangerous
… as you may have
micro-organisms that you ’ re
inhaling into your lungs ,”
‘ This should trigger community concern ; it certainly does among doctors .’
said the operator , who did
not wish to be named .
Despite the number of
patients now taking medicinal
cannabis , the TGA said
unapproved medicines should
be “ reserved for exceptional
clinical circumstances ”.
It also said all doctors need
to obtain informed consent
about the potential risks from
patients .
AMA president Professor
Steve Robson said doctors
need to be practising in
a robust framework where
patients are protected from
substandard medicines .
“ This has absolutely
exploded from only a few
years ago , and it is not clear
who is using it , why they are
using it , what it is being used
for , and whether it actually
works or not .”
He added : “ We are certainly
hearing stories about
quality issues and adverse
responses .
“ And that should trigger
concern in the community ;
it certainly does among the
medical fraternity .”
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