Australian Doctor 16th June 2023 16JUNE2023 issue | Page 14


16 JUNE 2023 ausdoc . com . au
Guest Editorial

Life or death oncology : the so-called ‘ wonder ’ drugs

How are patients supposed to make sense of it all ?
Anonymous GP


DO my best to avoid mixing patients with leisure .
After all , who wants to head out for lunch with a person on whom you ’ ve just performed cry-
otherapy , especially if it was for
recurrent genital warts ?
Generally , though , it ’ s unavoidable
that someone you know will
ask for your opinion on the medical
strife they are facing .
When that medical crisis strikes
among close friends or family , the
doctor in the group is often the
first call .
A few years ago , I was summoned
into action when a dear
This kind of communication is
way to relay user-friendly medical
I carefully read my friend ’ s email .
Eventually , I explained it as I saw
family friend had her breast can-
something I ’ m unfamiliar with . I
information to patients who want to
I wanted to make sure I could inform
it . I asked my friend to speak once
cer return .
usually make sure that when I call a
know more , the leaflets I hand out
her as best as possible . But after
more with her specialist , as it was
Considering my friend ’ s rela-
patient after hours , my phone num-
are from reputable sources and are
reading the attached study for hours
beyond my scope of practice .
tively young age and the positive prognosis at the outset of her diagnosis , we were all hit for six .
The CT report was ghastly — she
ber is hidden . Otherwise , my mobile might be transformed into some sort of healthcare hotline .
My friend was stoic and excep-
designed to avoid medical jargon .
The journal paper
The study my friend had been sent
on end , I was left in a head spin . It was a very small group of patients , and no one case was the same as another .
I couldn ’ t believe she had been sent all this information via email while she was at death ’ s door .
And the information she had
was truly riddled with the disease
tionally brave . She was also prag-
was the very opposite . It didn ’ t
At best , this new agent seemed
been sent , I could barely make
this time around .
matic and said that if she was a pet ,
promise a miracle cure , it didn ’ t
to be offering a few months of addi-
head or tail of , despite having
The choice
As the treatment options had withered
, she was left in that predicament no-one ever wants to face , and was uncertain on the next steps .
Should she do nothing and accept the weeks of life left and live them as best she could ?
she ’ d have already been put down . An email from her oncologist was forwarded to me , and it was blunt : do
describe it as a wonder treatment , but it was stuffed full of graphs and tables with statistical lingo
She interpreted it as potentially 12 months of additional life , but I couldn ’ t reach the same conclusion .
tional life , and that obviously came with no guarantees . But this was not clear at all .
My friend had interpreted it as potentially 12 months of additional life on offer , but I could not reach the same conclusion .
I was left dithering about what I would do if I were in that abyss , let
nearly 20 years of medical practice behind me .
Limits of consent
It really made me question the
boundaries of informed consent .
My friend made her decision after much deliberation .
Unfortunately , her trial of the
Or should she trial one of those
alone what I should advise my friend .
additional chemotherapeutic agent
oncology wonder drugs that might
nothing and die soon , or try an agent
that gave me flashbacks of AKT
I rang my father , a more experi-
hindered rather than helped .
prolong her life by a few months ,
that may temporarily help .
maths questions .
enced physician than me with more
Thankfully , she did not suffer
but knowing it carries side-effect
She attached a study on the final
Sending all this information to
than 50 years under his belt .
long , stayed positive to the very
risks that could end that same life
chemotherapeutic drug on offer and
my friend via email seemed to lack a
“ Enjoy what ’ s left ,” he said . “ The
end , and showed those close to her
in the blink of an eye ?
asked for my opinion .
personal touch .
chemo will kill them .”
the true meaning of valour .
My friend had an open dia-
Now , as much as I love using
How could her treating practi-
He hadn ’ t even read the study
logue via email with her treating oncologists .
patient information leaflets in consults and find them an excellent
tioner gauge her reaction to the news without seeing her face to face ?
properly but understood the predicament .
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Australian Doctor team Editor : Paul Smith ( 02 ) 8484 0795 Medical co-editors : Dr Kate Kelso BMed FRACGP ( 02 ) 8484 0713 Dr Paul Muthiah MUDr FRACGP ( 02 ) 8484 0713 How to Treat editor : Dr Claire Berman MBBCh ( 02 ) 8484 0749 6minutes news editor : Carmel Sparke ( 02 ) 8484 0979
Political news editor : Antony Scholefield ( 02 ) 8484 0616 Clinical news editor : Kemal Atlay ( 02 ) 8484 0648 Chief reporter : Heather Saxena 0425 271 128 Senior reporter : Sarah Simpkins ( 02 ) 8484 0688 Junior reporter : Rachel Fieldhouse 0420 834 340 Production editor : Sophie Attwood ( 02 ) 8484 0786
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