AUS Spring 2014 Undergraduate Research - Symposium Booklet Apr. 2014 | Page 18
Developing Well-rounded Teacher Candidates through Well-balanced P-12
Nehemie Victor, Dr. Valeisha Ellis
Early Childhood Education, Albany State University, Albany, GA
Developing Well-rounded Teacher Candidates through Well-balanced P-12 Partnerships was
born out of the Department of Teacher Education’s desire to enhance and grow healthier, more
balanced relationships with its P-12 partners. Evidence is needed to identify elements of
successful implementation of the collaboration efforts from post-secondary institutions,
community stakeholders, P-12 partners, effective candidate practices, and academic student
achievement and success of P-12 learners. This project will help the College of Education
develop research-based, community-driven field and clinical procedures that benefit all
stakeholders, including but not limited to, the University, the College, ASU COE candidates,
professors, university supervisors, and the 42 P-12 districts in ASU’s service region. Pre-andpost survey data will be collected and analyzed to improve the Albany State College of
Education, the Department of Teacher Education, the effectiveness of P-12 partnerships, and
the successful completion of student learning outcomes.
The New Phase of Weed: Trends in Marijuana Use Among Young Adults in
Albany, Georgia.
Ashley Andrews, Dr. Adansi Amankwaa
Psychology, Albany State University, Albany, GA
The purpose of the current study is to examine patterns in student perceptions and attitudes
towards marijuana use among students following the recent passage of marijuana law in
Colorado and Washington. Self-administered interviews were conducted using a convenient
sample of students in a Historically Black University (n=173). Survey participants age range
from 19 to 59 with a mean of 23.68 and SD=6.9. Simple descriptive analysis was used to
examine (a) relationship between attitudes, perceptions and marketing of marijuana, and (b)
whether student attitudes and perceptions relate to sale of marijuana in Colorado and their
GPA. Results provide insight into how students perceive marijuana use and marijuana related
sales and academic performance. We also address implications of these findings.