AURORA BOREALIS Summer 2013 | Page 6

Breaking down your tax bill

Aurora Public Library – 2.7 %
County – 3.8 %
Community College – 4.5 %
Fox Valley Park District – 5.7 %
City of Aurora – 19.3 %
School District – 60.0 %
Forest Preserve – 2.1 % Township – 1.9 %
* Given Aurora is located in four counties , six public school districts and two community colleges , averages are shown to provide a general overview of the tax bill breakdown . Actual percentages will vary slightly depending where you live .

Key points to note

After receiving your tax bill in the mail this spring , the chart illustrates the percentage breakdown of where your tax money goes to on an annual basis . When you look at your tax bill , you should know :
More than half your taxes are paid to your public school district .
On average , across the City only $ 2.00 of every $ 10.00 goes to the City of Aurora .
On average , City property taxes have declined 2.1 % percent since 2007 .
Taxes have now been rolled back to the same levels there were at in 2005 .
Your property taxes may be impacted by any change in valuation as determined by your local Township Assessor .

Inauguration ushers in new Aurora City Council

The 2013 Inauguration Ceremony was held on May 7 at the historic Paramount Theatre with over 400 people in attendance .
Judge Judith Brawka , Chief Judge of the Sixteenth Judicial Circuit Court , administered the Oath of Office to seven members of the Aurora City Council and Mayor Thomas J . Weisner .
Returning aldermen to seats on the Council include Aldermanat-Large Bob O ’ Connor , 7th Ward Alderman Scheketa Hart- Burns , and 2nd Ward Alderman Juany Garza .
The City of Aurora welcomed four new aldermen including Ted Mesiacos , 3rd Ward , Bill Donnell , 4th Ward , Edward Bugg , 9th Ward and Lynne Johnson , 10th Ward .
The ceremony included a Presentation of Colors by the East Aurora High School Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and performances by the Metea Valley High School Varsity Singers .
Front Row ( l to r ): Alderman-at-Large Bob O ’ Connor , Mayor Tom Weisner , Alderman-at-Large Richard Irvin
Top Row ( l to r ): Alderman Abby Schuler ( Ward 1 ), Alderman Juany Garza ( Ward 2 ), Alderman Ted Mesiacos ( Ward 3 ), Alderman Bill Donnell ( Ward 4 ), Alderman John “ Whitey ” Peters ( Ward 5 ), Alderman Mike Saville ( Ward 6 ), Alderman Scheketa Hart-Burns ( Ward 7 ), Alderman Rick Mervine ( Ward 8 ), Alderman Edward Bugg ( Ward 9 ), Alderman Lynne Johnson ( Ward 10 )
City of Aurora
Summer 2013
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