AUGUST '23 - Pawsitively Pets - to post online | Page 7

Hector is Hurt !!

As the primary shop cat , Hector is almost always about , with a bounce to his step , a sunny , friendly disposition , and his tail floating above his body . It ’ s like the good neighbor wave , in golden fluff . But one July evening , he appeared at the kitchen door with a drooping tail . He was in a hurry and found a safe place in the house . I thought that , somehow , he got scared at something in the yard and ran inside the house to be safe . There were other people in the house , so when he did not show up in my room , he could be inspecting other rooms .
By morning , I knew better . He had been curled in a corner of the couch all night , and he was not quick to get up . He acted stiff and sore . He was grumpy - something I had never seen in him before . And his beautiful tail dragged on the ground . It wasn ’ t long before I texted my vet . She replied quickly , but she is primarily a large animal veterinarian , so could not see him for at least a week . That was not fast enough for me , or I suspected , for Hector . Luckily , there are a few emergency vets available to all of us . My next call was to Metzger ’ s ( now VCA Metzger Animal Hospital ). Within a few minutes , they found me an appointment in 90 minutes .
An emergency vet visit is not cheap . The base cost is $ 159 for a same day appointment . Any other service will be added on . But this office let me know this right away and gave me an estimate for x-rays and some possible medications . Was Hector in need of care that day ?? My heart said YES !
It was the right decision . Hector was seen , and the radiology department took images of his spine , from the skull to the tip of his tail . And with that work , we then knew that the worst things had not happened to our sweet boy . His spine was intact and looked healthy . Chances are , he got his tail caught on something and pulled really hard . The ligaments were stretched , and nerves were disrupted . What he did need was anti-inflammatories , so that the swelling would go down and the nerves heal , and pain medication , for he was in great pain . But the vet could detect movement all along the tail . He couldn ’ t lift it , but there was movement .
It took two days before he felt better and was back to jumping on beds and getting to his higher nooks . A few days later , his tail began to swish back and forth . And then about a week later , his tail stood straight up , as he greeted new people in the Airbnb . He and I were lucky . Lucky that he wasn ' t more severely injured , and also lucky to have a 24 / 7 emergency vet facility close enough .
He ’ s happy to greet you if you stop in . Just be a little careful of the base of his tail . He ’ s still a little sore .
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , Writer , and Owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .


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Pawsitively Pets -- August 5