August 2024 Back-to-School Newsletter | Page 7

• Scheduling virtual meetings in the evening is when most ( 12 ) indicated an ability to attend PTFA meetings . ( Only 8 said they could meet in person after school , 10 said they could meet in person in the evening , 7 said they could meet virtually during school-day hours , and 7 said they could meet in person during school-day hours .) Unfortunately , there is no one ideal time to meet together as a PTFA . However , based on the survey results , we will conduct our first meeting virtually in the evening .
Please join us virtually at 6:30 PM on Thursday , September 12 , so we can come together and ask God for His wisdom and ideas for the 2024-2025 PTFA . Please CLICK HERE for the link to the virtual meeting ( using Microsoft Teams ).
Cornerstone Family Connection ( Facebook Group ) The PTFA puts the “ P ” into action as they focus on “ Cornerstone Family Connection ” opportunities throughout the year . You do not need to wait for school to return to connect ; you can get connected now on Facebook ! The PTFA manages a closed Facebook Group that functions as a place for the Cornerstone Family to connect and get to know each other . We invite you to join the group so that you can connect , encourage one another , and stay informed . Search for the group “ Cornerstone Family Connection ” on Facebook !
Transportation Information
Please carefully review the following information regarding the safe transportation of our students . If you will have a student driver , please be sure to also review the information below with your student . Please note the drop-off location for students in Grades 6-12 , as outlined below .
Remember , also , to always stop for buses when their lights are flashing , even when buses are located on private property . DO NOT PASS A SCHOOL BUS WITH FLASHING LIGHTS ( even when on campus ); this is a state law .
Please do not leave young children / babies unattended in your cars and be sure your young children are securely strapped into their car seats ( and older children are seat-belted ) while driving on campus .
Finally , please DO NOT PARK AND EXIT YOUR CAR next to a yellow-painted curb ( such as in front of the main stairs leading up to the elementary office ).
Campus Traffic Pattern We all must observe the traffic pattern for our campus . A traffic pattern map is available through the CCS app . Please review the map to ensure a fluid and safe traffic pattern .
Morning Arrivals All students can be dropped off no earlier than 7:50 AM . ( Only students of faculty / staff members may be dropped off slightly earlier so that staff can get to their morning duty positions in time for 7:50 drop-off .)
Preschool through Grade 5 students will be dropped off at the back , lower side of the elementary building . Students will be instructed where to go once they enter the building .
Grades 6-12 students will be dropped off at the elementary building to enter under the portico as follows :
• On Mondays and Wednesdays , drop off students in Grades 6-12 ( to remain for M & Ms on Mondays and Chapels on Wednesdays ) at the elementary building .
• On Tuesdays , Thursdays , and Fridays , drop off students in Grades 6-12 at the McLain building .
Typical Afternoon Dismissals School is dismissed each day by 3:05 PM . ( Early dismissal time is 1:00 PM .) Those responsible for picking up the students must make every effort to arrive on time .
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