August 2023 | Page 2


New pick-up service makes it easier to donate to food bank

By JEAN BRAULT Charbonneau Country Club
In the first six months of the year , Charbonneau residents have donated 2,650 pounds of canned , paper and hygiene items and $ 2,775 in cash and gift cards . Some 120 residents have participated in this effort , many becoming frequent donors . We thank you for your great generosity .
For this month the items most in need are laundry pods , shampoo and cold cereal . As always , however , any contribution , in-kind or funds , is greatly appreciated and “ one can or item ” multiplied by each and every one of us in Charbonneau makes a big difference .
Last month we launched our pickup service for those residents who may have limited mobility , limited access to wheels or other circumstances . We wish to thank Cindy Foster of SpringRidge at Charbonneau for her assistance in setting up this service in that community . As a reminder to all , we are offering pick-ups within our normal Charbonneau Country Club drop-off hours on the fourth Wednesday of each month . Two volunteers will be available to come by your residence to pick up donations left outside your front door ( labeled for the food bank ). If you are interested in this service , please email Dave Olson at daveolson613 @ gmail . com . We would appreciate you making your request
no later than three days prior to the pick-up date .
It has come to our attention that the Sunshine Division of the Portland Food Bank has opened a warehouse facility across from Fred Meyer where Albertson ’ s was previously located . It is also accepting donations . We wish them well in their endeavors . However , these donations will go for different purposes and do not benefit the Wilsonville Community Sharing ( our local food bank ) in any direct way . We hope that your generosity and “ pocketbook ” will allow you to support these two institutions . However , if you are thinking of donating to Wilsonville Community Sharing , we suggest you do so directly to them or through our drop-off program .
The drop-off and pick up dates will be Aug . 23 from 8:30 a . m . to 1 p . m . at our usual place in the Activity Center . We hope you will again come to the assistance of those in our Wilsonville community in need of a leg up .

CCC President ’ s Corner


Vibrancy is at an all-time high

“ Vibrant ” seems to be the word around town these days . A resident recently mentioned to me that ,
SHEVLIN in the 10 years she has lived in
Charbonneau , she has never seen things so “ vibrant .” A recent communication from the Golf Club president said a certain “ vibrancy ” was felt around the golf course and in the Village Center . Things seem to be really hopping around here . I don ’ t know if it ’ s the first full year after the lifting of the pandemic restrictions , the fact that groups are vying for space in the new Activity Center , it ’ s summer and the sun is shining , or a combination of these and other factors , but there seems to be new life in our beautiful community , and it ’ s palpable . Business is strong in the retail center . If you haven ’ t been to Lux Sucre and had lunch on the patio on a sunny day , I highly recommend it . Or stop by the Market Café at the Pro Shop , grab a beer and a sandwich with a friend and enjoy it out on the patio . You don ’ t have to be a golfer to enjoy the food and friendship .
Our 45-plus-year-old clubhouse is finally undergoing a major facelift . All of the siding is being
replaced and the old single-paned windows are being swapped out with new , energy-efficient models . As expected , a certain amount of dry rot has been found under the old siding . Contingency funds were already set aside in the budget , knowing we would have some major reconstruction in some areas . We expect the project to be completed by late fall . Bocce ball courts should be nearly ready for play by the time this edition of the Villager arrives . Two courts are being installed at Edith Green Park in early August . Look for more information to come regarding free clinics and leagues . Experienced and new players are all welcome . The marina and parking lot expansion project will have undergone its review by the city of Wilsonville ’ s Development Review Board in July , with plans to begin the project after the marina closes for the season at the end of October . The last project on the docket is the cover over the outdoor courts at the Sports Center . All of the materials have arrived and are being stored off site while we await the city ’ s permit approval . We expect to begin construction sometime this fall . It ’ s definitely busy here in Charbonneau .
Recently our current board of directors and staff gathered together for dinner with a small group of our past CCC board presidents . This is an annual event where we acknowledge the contribution made by those that have served in leadership positions in our community in the past . Plus , we always use the opportunity to pick their brains regarding what they think of the current happenings in Charbonneau , and what they recommend for the future . All those present were
pleased with the “ vibe ” they felt in present-day Charbonneau : lots of new activities now and on the horizon , new buildings and new looks for old buildings . Safety and security was the number one topic , and we were pleased to note our enhanced security plans taking shape . Having our own full-service restaurant is always a perennial topic . Some thought it should still be pursued , others were less enthusiastic . More activities for school-aged children were of interest to a number of attendees , with a particular focus on children visiting their grandparents during the summer . Parking was a topic that generated a lot of discussion . With all of the increased activity both at the Golf Club and the Activity Center ( to say nothing of the current construction activity ), parking has become a topic of concern . It was noted that residents often use golf carts when attending non-golf activities , which increases the need for more golf cart parking as well . Those present suggested the board take a look at expanding parking spaces as soon as financially feasible .
All-in-all , the feedback from the past presidents was positive and optimistic . They encouraged the current board to keep up the good work , and to complete the existing projects that are underway . Then they suggested perhaps taking a little break , but not too little , because they advised against losing the momentum we have been experiencing over the past several years . I took that as “ don ’ t lose the vibe ” we feel around Charbonneau . Let ’ s keep it going ; it ’ s a pretty exciting time here in our lovely community . I hope to see you on the bocce ball courts soon ! In the meanwhile , enjoy the hot August days and nights .
J . Brian Monihan Publisher bmonihan @ pamplinmedia . com
Corey Buchanan Villager Editor cbuchanan @ pamplinmedia . com
Kim Stephens Circulation Kstephens @ pamplinmedia . com
( 503 ) 479-2378
Jesse Marichalar Display Advertising Jessem @ pamplinmedia . com
A Publishing Partnership ...
The Charbonneau Villager is a joint publishing partnership between the Charbonneau County Club and the Pamplin Media Group .
Advertising contact
Jesse Marichalar Jessem @ Pamplinmedia . com | 971-204-7774
Have an idea for a story ?
We want to hear about it . Corey Buchanan cbuchanan @ pamplinmedia . com | ( 503 ) 479-2378
ONLINE wilsonvillespokesman . com
Published monthly at 400 Second St ., Lake Oswego , OR , 97034 . Periodicals postage paid at Wilsonville Post Office and additional mailing post offices . POSTMASTER , send address changes to : Charbonneau Villager , P . O . Box 22109 , Portland , OR , 97269 ; 503-635-8811 ( USPS 021-752 ) Subscription rates : $ 36 per year in West Linn-Portland area ; all other areas inside Oregon and outside of Oregon $ 64 .