August 2023 B2S Newsletter August 2023 B2S Newsletter | Page 9

Growing Like Christ ( GLC ) GLC is Cornerstone ’ s extended day program , which provides a safe , caring , and enriching environment after the school day has ended . The program is available each school day from school dismissal until 5:30 PM . You may CLICK HERE to download a GLC Registration Form , or you may contact the school office to have one mailed to your home .
Parents have two payment options for GLC . Option 1 : Full-Year Payment of $ 2,500 for unlimited use of the program ($ 1,900 per each additional student ) Option 2 : Daily Use Payment at the hourly rate ($ 12 until 4:00 PM , $ 5 for each additional half hour or portion of an hour ; see the form for more details about early dismissal rates )
Student Drivers All students who will be driving themselves to school and parking a car in the school lot for the day must apply to the school office for a parking permit . Please CLICK HERE for the Student Driver Application . A parking permit fee of $ 3 per registered car will be applied , and a parking sticker will be issued that must be adhered to the rear window of the registered car . Registrations are required for each new school year .
Busing Information for Manchester Residents Bus transportation is provided for K-12 students ( excluding Pre-K ) by the Manchester Board of Education for those students with a legal address in Manchester , but it is based on the distance of one ’ s address from CCS .
The process for registering for this service is as follows : 1 ) If you are already registered with the town , you need to inform the bus company if you will be using the bus in the AM , PM , or both times .
2 ) If you are new to busing this year , you will need to contact the Manchester Welcome Center to register your child . You can call at 860-645-6043 or visit at 555 Main Street , Manchester . Be prepared to inform the bus company if you will be using the bus in the AM , PM , or both times .
Once you have registered with the town , parents must then inform the school office to let us know if you plan to use busing for mornings and / or afternoons . We will then also coordinate once again with the town confirming those details . An email with information about bus stops will be sent home as soon as the town sets the schedule .
Please Note : According to the Manchester Board of Education ’ s Transportation Office , all Board of Education Transportation is provided based on the student ’ s legal address ( for Manchester residents only ). NO student not already registered to ride the bus may ever use the bus . This means friends who are visiting bus-riding students may not use Manchester Board of Education buses to get home from school . Students must have a parent / guardian bring them home .
The Town of Manchester is also excited to announce that First Student , their transportation provider / partner , has launched FirstView , a bus tracking and parent communications app for your smartphone or desktop . FirstView allows you to track where your child ’ s bus is in real-time . You can also create a “ geo-fence ” so you will get an alert when the bus is within a certain distance of your child ’ s stop , and there is a multi-stop view if you have multiple students on different buses .
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