Elementary Back-to-School Night ( Parents Only ) On Monday , August 28 , starting at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary , parents ( no children , please ) of Pre-K through Grade 5 students are invited to attend an evening designed for the administration and individual classroom teachers to provide parents with important information about curriculum , parent-teacher-school communication , and more .
Middle & High School Back-to-School Night ( Students with Parents ) On Tuesday , August 29 , starting at 6:30 PM in the sanctuary ( elementary building ), parents with their students in Grades 6-12 are invited to attend an evening designed for students to drop off school supplies and textbooks into their assigned lockers , to meet classroom teachers and review schedules , to review procedures , and more . We will begin in the sanctuary ( elementary building ) before visiting classrooms in the secondary building . ( Feel free to leave textbooks and supplies in your car until we switch buildings .)
Important information will be shared with juniors , seniors , and their parents about guidance / college planning , Junior-Senior Banquet , and Senior Class Trip .
Back-to-School Bash On Friday , September 1 , beginning after dismissal , parents with their students ( Pre-K through Grade 12 ) are invited to join us for an afternoon of fun that will include lawn games , a small snack , and a special “ level up challenge ” ( scavenger hunt ) for a chance to win some fun prizes !
First Day of School Celebrations
First Day Celebration The first day of school is Wednesday , August 30 , with a 1:00 early dismissal . We look forward to our traditional First Day of School Celebration ! Students in Kindergarten through Grade 12 will be dropped off at the elementary building between 8:15 and 8:30 ; everyone will enter the chapel ( MCN sanctuary ) to find their respective classes by looking for their grade ’ s sign being held up by a teacher or classmate . Our faculty and staff will be introduced to the students through a series of fun skits that will also emphasize this year ’ s theme of LEVEL UP . ( Students in Preschool and K-Prep will head directly to their classrooms instead of meeting in the sanctuary .)
PTFA Parent Coffee / Breakfast Our PTFA is planning a time of fellowship in the elementary foyer for parents at the conclusion of the First Day of School Celebration . We hope you can join us ! ( You can also sign up to bring something to help with the breakfast by CLICKING HERE !)
PTFA Fundraiser at Sweet Frog You are invited to join us for our traditional after school event at Sweet Frog in Manchester on the first day of school ( Wednesday , August 30 ) from 1:00-4:00 at Sweet Frog . The PTFA will benefit from a portion of our sales . If you purchase a Sweet Frog gift card from the PTFA first , then the PTFA receives double the benefit of the proceeds !
Ready for School to Begin ?
Please review the following checklist to be sure your student is ready to begin the year .
_____ Do you have all your paperwork submitted ? All returning families need to submit a signed tuition contract , updated medical and immunization forms as mandated by the State of Connecticut ( for students entering
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