Vul : None Dlr : South
Vul : E-W Dlr : North
Vul : Both Dlr : West
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
A 10 A J 10 Q 10 9 7 5 A 10 9
1NT ?
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
Q 9 7 3 7 2 K J 9 7 6 5 4
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
K Q A 9 3 A K 8 7 4 K 8 4
Pass – I ’ ll probably make six but , technically , I have a minimum so I ’ ll take the conservative view to preserve my game bonus . Slam in a team game is more important than at matchpoints . I ’ ll get a respectable result if I make six at matchpoints . If I bid six and go down , it will be a zero .
6NT – I could maybe bid 6♦ , but it ’ s unlikely to be much better than 6NT . Also , I don ’ t want to tip off the opponents about my holding . As to hand evaluation , this is a 15-point hand that is worth 17 points . Look at all those intermediates !
6♦ – I bid slam in the five-card minor for safety . Partner can correct to 6NT with only a doubleton diamond . Holding four 10s , three aces , and a decent fivecard suit makes this hand worth more than its 15 high-card points , enough to bid slam opposite partner ’ s quantitative notrump raise . At matchpoints , I ’ d raise to 6NT for the extra point bonus notrump provides .
6♦ – Despite only 15 high-card points , my hand is great : many aces , a fivecard suit , and lots of 10s . For a slam , you need high cards and extra cards in a suit . Many players will stop at the game level , so playing in 6♦ may give me the needed extra trick from a ruff , compared to going for all the money in 6NT . If I fail , I ' ll try again next time !
Partner ’ s raise is inviting slam . 15 highcard points plus 1 length-point for the five-card diamond suit puts you in the middle of the 1NT range . Upgrading for all the 10s and 9s make this hand worth accepting the invitation for the majority of the panel . A jump to 6♦ shows a fivecard suit and gives partner the option of playing slam in diamonds with a fit , otherwise in 6NT .
1♦ – If partner ’ s hand is unbalanced , partner will bid a major and we ’ ll find a spade fit if we have one . If partner rebids 1NT , I can bid 2♦ and play in a safe partscore . If we don ’ t buy the contract and end up defending , I will have helped partner know what to lead or what suit to shift to .
1♠ – I have to bid the four-card major suit ahead of the longer diamonds . Otherwise , there ’ s too great a chance we ’ ll miss the 4-4 spade fit .
1♠ – I don ’ t want to lose a potential 4-4 major-suit fit . Playing the Walsh 2 / 1 game-forcing style , the 1♠ response is mandatory . If partner rebids 1NT , I ’ ll rebid 3♦ , the systematic weak 6-4 jump shift , showing six diamonds and four spades with 6-9 points , non-forcing .
1♠ – Finding a fit in the majors is essential for the best score and , if the opponents have hearts , I ’ ll make the auction tougher for them since we can compete in the higher-ranking suit . If partner rebids 1NT , I can then bid 2♦ to show a weak hand with five or more diamonds since I would rebid 2♠ with five or more spades .
The modern style is to bypass a four-card or five-card diamond suit to show a four-card major when responding to 1♣ . But a sixcard diamond suit ? The majority feel it is still more important to tell partner about the four-card major and worry later about getting the partnership into diamonds if there isn ’ t a spade fit .
Double – Not perfect , but I need to bid here and double is the most flexible call . I have at least three-card support for all the unbid suits , so we should be all right .
3NT – Tough , and maybe I should pass and get a small plus score . But vulnerable games do pay out such a big premium that we have to give it a shot . If partner holds the ♦Q-5-3-2 and ♣A , we have nine tricks . I prefer 3NT to a double as a 4-3 heart fit does not rate to play well .
Double – Anything could be right here . I ’ m not happy with double , but it seems the best chance to produce a reasonable result . 3NT ? The vulnerable spade raise is likely on a three-card holding , which means I ’ d have to take the first nine tricks on the go . Pass ? Too big a position holding 19 high-card points .
Double – My spade stopper is too soft to bid 3NT , and taking nine quick tricks after the obvious spade lead will be tough if partner doesn ’ t have the perfect hand for me . I want to get partner involved in choosing a suit contract . Yes , things may not work out in several possible scenarios , but my hand is too good to simply pass . I don ’ t have four hearts to make a double more attractive … but life isn ’ t perfect .
The opponents ’ preemptive opening bid and raise has created a problem , as it was intended to do . The panel feels the hand is too strong to pass and go quietly . Only one panelist is willing to undertake 3NT with the known spade lead coming … hoping partner will provide the right cards . The rest prefer to double with less-than-perfect distribution … hoping to land on their feet somewhere . Tough problem .
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