Shawn Quinn
Andrew Robson
Rhoda Walsh
Stefan Skorchev
Better Bridge Summary


Vul : E-W Dlr : North
Vul : N-S Dlr : West


♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
10 8 6 5 Q 10 6 K 8 3 A 7 4
♠ ♥ ♦ ♣
A K 7 5 8 4 2 Q 5 K 9 6 4
Shawn Quinn
Top-ranked female player
Andrew Robson
European and North American Champion
Rhoda Walsh
ACBL Grand Life Master
Stefan Skorchev
Cofounder of IntoBridge . com
1NT – This is correct value-wise , even with the sketchy spade stopper . It best reflects the value and the nature of my hand , so partner will be able to compete if it ’ s right . A double would be negative and I don ’ t have four-card support for either of the unbid suits .
1NT – I think this is a fairly clear 1NT response . The ♠10 rates to be a stopper if partner holds any honor in spades .
1NT – Holding 9 high-card points , I don ’ t want to pass , so I choose 1NT despite the lack of a sure spade stopper . Perhaps partner will provide the ♠J-3 . My other possible choices carry bigger prospective problems . If I pass , I may have no way to show my values on the next round of the auction . A negative double would guarantee four or more hearts .
1NT – Many people think having a stopper is a must here , but not for me . I can even call my style old-fashioned . When I ’ m only fighting for partscore , I don ’ t promise a stopper . Furthermore , if partner has any honor card , my ♠10 will become a stopper ! The rest of the hand , regardless of the boring shape , is quite worth the bid .
Double – After partner doubles or overcalls and right-hand opponent raises opener ’ s suit , I play a double for takeout , showing values with flexibility as to where to play . If partner has four spades , we ' ll find our fit . If partner bids diamonds , I can show the club fit . A double as penalty here is not very useful since I am between two hands with lots of hearts .
5♣ – We could be missing 6♣ if partner holds a heart void , but it ’ s too tricky to bid it . 5♣ should make and , in truth , it ’ s fairly clear to bid it , especially given the vulnerability .
5♣ – Can ’ t hide my great club support . We may go down , but we might even be missing a slam . Knowing my partner must hold at most a singleton heart and , potentially , a six-card club suit , doubling for penalty could result in 4♥ doubled making .
5♣ – The 4♥ bid suggests partner has at most one heart . Double is tempting with four spades but , unless partner also has four , partner is likely to pass . My club support is huge and I ’ m worried the opponents may have a void and could even make 4♥ . So , to avoid any possibility of disaster , I ’ m bidding 5♣ .
Better Bridge Summary
6 Audrey Grant ’ s Better Bridge | July-August 2024
The panel is unanimous in responding 1NT despite the lack of a sure spade stopper . The hand has the right values and distribution for a 1NT bid , so everyone hopes the spades won ’ t be a problem . Partner may be able to contribute some help in spades . If not , and the opponents take the first five spade tricks , that may still not be a problem if the partnership stops in 1NT .
The majority take the push to 5♣ , expecting it to have a good chance of making and not expecting to defeat 4♥ more than a trick or two , if that . One panelist doubles and another considers the same call , assuming partner is on the same wavelength that such a double isn ’ t strictly for penalties . Instead , it shows a flexible hand , looking for some help from partner to decide what to do .