Page 24 ■ Auburn Hills Review
Senior Services
Culinary Arts from Around the World (New!)
We live in one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States!
Join us as we taste cuisine and learn how cultural understanding and
the culinary arts link together to give us a look at other countries here at
home. The various traditions of preparing and serving food in different
cultures provides insight and a means to dialogue with our neighbors
from other parts of the world. All classes held 6PM-7:30PM.
Community Center Auburn Room
Jan. 22 - Iranian(#152069A)
Feb. 19 - Russian (#152069B)
Mar. 19 – Chinese (#152069C)
6-7:30 p.m.
$10 per class
At least one week prior to each class
Computer Instruction for Seniors
This is a 6 week introduction to the basics of computers with individual
tutoring for seniors by seniors. Instruction wi