Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 86

Dream Raven Tarot

Author / Beth Seilonen

Artist / Beth Seilonen

Publisher / Schiffer Publishing, Ltd.

ISBN: 978-0-7643-4316-2


"Dream Raven's purpose is to inspire people to firstly acknowledge the dreams that are deep within the psyche, and then strive to make those dreams into the conscious thought throughout daily life and to see them through reality. As with anything, dreams do take time to mature, years even. However, as those dreams are brought to conscious thought and we begin to step into each day with the purpose of living our dreams, success becomes more attainable."

When I think of a Raven I automatically conjure a picture of a large jet black bird, lovely in their own right, but nothing like the beautifully poised and colorful Dream Ravens found in this deck.

One of my favorite Tarot cards in general, the High Priestess sits high on a branch between a full moon and a Triple "Goddess" Moon which is reflected in a pool of water. The black and white trees in the background suggest the symbolism of the columns found in the High Priestess of the RWS (Rider-Waite-Smith) and other clone decks.