Attune Magazine October 2013 October 2013 | Page 24

A close friend had her digital camera destroyed on a hunt, and I got a blast of EMF on my cell phone that pixelated the screen (neither AT&T nor Samsung can figure out how it happened). This may be a reason to keep an old phone just for investigations.

This is the season when ghost hunting opportunities and tours abound. Serious tour operators have already taken the steps that I have outlined. They should be knowledgeable about investigation equipment, digital cameras, and recording equipment. They will be able to discuss why the locations were chosen for the tour and what evidence already exists. If you get vague answers, it might be a vague tour – I’d look somewhere else. If it’s your 15-year-old son and he can’t give you a tour operators name then chances are it’s he and some of his friends looking for little adventure. That’s when the main mundane stuff I’ve talked about in this article matters the most.

Happy hunting