Gypsy, Gypsy please tell me
What my fortune's going to be
Rich-man, Poor-man, Beggar-man, Thief.
Doc-tor, Law-yer, In-di-an Chief.
Tink-er, Tail-or, Cow-boy, Sail-or.
Whether we believe we are fated and the course of our life is pre-determined, or we make our own luck by making better choices, there is no denying that change is inevitable. When the Wheel of Fortune heralds a change, anticipate that it will be a positive one and plan accordingly, then you’re sure to have lady luck smile on you.
The Wheel of Fortune – X –
Seemingly at the whim of the Universe, the earth bounces and spins on this cosmic roulette.
Koneta Bailey
Is it Fate? Destiny? Lady Luck? When we see The Wheel of Fortune in a tarot reading, it is generally an accepted sign of good fortune, or at least a change, usually in a positive manner. And really, who couldn’t use a bit of good luck? But is it all a game of chance? No, I don’t think the Universe picks and chooses some to have only good luck and some to get the bad, although, it may feel that way at times.
Do the stars and our birth signs dictate our futures and fates? They certainly seem to have a major influence on our personalities and the choices we make. These aspects help to shape our futures and fortunes as much as anything else in our lives. Every minute of every day we make decisions that will impact and influence what happens, or doesn’t - today, tomorrow, or the next and so on.
“Rich-man, poor-man, beggar-man, thief” - A phrase from a childhood rhyme came to mind while thinking of The Wheel of Fortune. Here is the version I liked best. (Author unknown)