Another way to work the energy of this card is to decide if we want to just wait for someone to come along or something to happen, or if we will go out there to obtain them or it. We are in control of our lives. We are the ones that choose how we will act and react to any person or situation. If we are not happy, we must look at ourselves to determine the changes that we need to adjust within or changes to make in our behaviors to move upward on the Wheel.
By working with the energy of this card, we can invoke our own power within to change any situation that we need to make it more positive, more fortunate for us. Tapping into our own power and strength can really change our reality. So we must decide if we will follow what the hands of Fate provide, or whether we will improve and empower ourselves to handle what comes our way. When we choose to empower ourselves, we choose what will evolve our souls.
The energy within the Wheel of Fortune will still rise and fall, but we may temper the traumatic or flame the positive energy in what comes our way. Namaste.
Melinda Carver is the Official Psychic
of the Tarot Guild (USA), has appeared
at metaphysical expos, conferences & fairs;
and as a guest on various radio shows. She is
a Clairaudient, Clairsentient & Clairvoyant
Psychic Medium, Universal Light Minister,
Tarot Reader & Positive Energy Specialist.
Melinda is the host of Positive Perspectives Radio and the creator of Melinda’s Positive Energy Products. She is a member of the Coalition of Visionary Resources.