On tab eight I have Evernote. This is probably the most useful program I have ever found on the internet. Basically it is like unlimited sticky notes for your computer, but they can be organized and they will hold anything from text to video to web pages, pictures, audio recordings....anything. They have an Evernote app for smartphones, Windows and Macs. So I installed Evernote on my tablet, laptop, home pc and phone. The Evernote app automatically syncs with your Evernote web page. Now I can always type in a new note or right click on a web page and "Make a new note". I can snag a picture off a web page and make it a note, I can use the recorder on my phone to make some audio notes while I'm driving down the highway and add them to Evernote as a new note. Then I can review them later from any device I happen to be using like my pc in my office or my laptop when I'm in bed that night. Evernote uses "Tags" to organize so it's real easy to add a tag to each note like "Recipes" or "Funny Web Pages" or "Family Pictures" and it's always there, from any computer you're on. Even if you're on a borrowed computer you can always go to the Evernote web page and login and there are all your notes.
Another way to use the cloud is with photo web sites like Photobucket or Picasa. If you put your photos on these sites thay will never be lost if your computer crashes. Also you can share the photos (and videos) with friends. I have some reservations about photo web sites though. Some sites default photos to "Public". Be sure to share only what you want others to see. Also, I had a bad experience with Flickr, a Yahoo photo site. I had uploaded three good pictures to my Flickr account 2 years ago. This year I decided to download those original pictures and close my account.