among other oddities. Right before we entered the room the guide told us that there is a portrait immediately to the right and that we shouldn't say anything negative about it.
Say what?
It seems that this is the portrait of the Doña of the house, and there had been a waiter there who did not like her face and was constantly making comments about the portrait. Every time he entered that room, mishaps would occur to him, such as accidentally dumping soup on a customer. Things happened with such frequency that he eventually quit.
So of course we all walked in, eyes glued to the very stern woman in the portrait (I wouldn't have dared cross her!), and as we were, the guide told us that sometimes the pupils in her eyes become snake-like. Everyone milled around the portrait, and the couple next to me had a camcorder and the gentleman was filming. We watched this very old portrait and sure enough, the pupils changed!!! I remember asking him excitedly, did you get it, did you see that??
And except for two pictures taken of a myself and group of friends one day outside a restaurant and there being a huge orb covering over 1/2 of me in both pictures, I thought that was the extent of my ghostly experiences. I was wrong.
When we moved into this house, we had a new puppy who used to stare down the hallway to the bedrooms and bark and growl like mad, but nothing was there. We both believe in spiritual matters, so we both commented at different times that maybe there was a ghost in the house.