There is no doubt in my mind that the church I am speaking of is a cult. The Pastor has moved on to another church and I feel sorry for them. Who knows what kind of abuse he is condoning in his new congregation. Who knows what woman is getting the hell beaten out of her “in the name of God”. This is one of the most toxic faiths I can imagine. People came to this man for love, understanding and help and he twisted and perverted their faith.
I think the rules of churches and their crazy leaders are what make people stay home and turn away from God. It seems that it has turned into a popularity club, or a crazy cult environment. I do not think spirituality should be so hard. I am afraid to know how many people have been hurt by these leaders/churches. Spirituality should be fulfilling, fun and make you happy. It should not be filled with hate and prejudice.
A few years later I attended a Pagan festival in rural Ohio. I was scared, I did not know what to expect. I was afraid that I would go to Hell for attending a “Pagan” event. I had been programmed that anything other than Christianity was wrong. When I got there I was pleasantly surprised. Everyone was extremely friendly. I met all different kinds of people of all races and orientations. I soon found out that the stereotypes of “devil worshiping and sacrifices” were complete propaganda. These people were more spiritual and loving than any church I had ever attended. They truly loved others, and harmed no one. They believed in God, they were caring; they gave back to the community and did not judge people.