Attune Magazine Attune Magazine 2012 Valentine's Day | Page 12

Review: The Psychic Energy Codex: A Manual For Developing Your Subtle Senses

Michelle Belanger

Paperback: 288 pages

Publisher: Weiser Books

ISBN-10: 1578633850

This book was published a few years ago and it’s finally made its way to my library. The first thing you will notice is that this is different than most books that discuss physic energy-it’s full of exercises that you can use to develop your gifts. What impressed me most was the section on “Mental Disorders”. There are some very relevant questions here that we need to ask ourselves and this author covers the subject in a way that’s tasteful and informative. In other words, you won’t feel attacked by the way that she discusses ways that you can know if you’re having a true psychic moment or having a mental health related moment.

The book covers this very big subject of psychic energy in a way that all can understand, I found the author’s writing style to be very comfortable and flowing.

I recommend this book to anyone who wants to understand the many subtleties of working with energy, those who wish to develop their gifts and I especially recommend this to anyone who has a psychic child or family member. You don’t have to follow the same spiritual path as the author to gain insight from this book; it is just full of great information on this somewhat mysterious subject.

In my opinion, Michelle Belanger has written a fantastic resource for us and I would definitely read more of her books based on this one. This book has earned 5 stars on Amazon with 15 positive reviews. You can also buy this for Kindle.

***** Mary Nale