by Ramona McKee
I've written a book! ...It's available on Kindle!
OK, not a "book" more of a bit of study. And with the advancement of the self-publishing for Kindle, I too am now published.
In the last year my husband lost his job of near 30 years, we've had to replace two cars, I've had major and serious brain surgery and the refrigerator died, oh and the bank tried to take the house. We were able to save the house by liquidating our retirement savings.
Some would say that was the wrong thing to do, right or wrong that was the decision we made and now Uncle Sam wants to his slice of the pie and we don't have it.
I still can't work but I have been working on my typing and while doing that I have been writing what I've been researching and studying. A friend of mine, Mr. Heath D. Alberts, was kind enough to proof and tweak .my writing so that it would be palatable for the reader which gave me the confidence to list it as an eBook on kindle.
Those of you who know me know I would never ask for help for anything. I am there when you need me and will do everything in my power to help you, but I do not ask for myself. Today I am doing just that. I am asking you to buy my Bit of Study and write a review.
The cost is just $4.97, less than the cost of that raffle ticket you purchased from the scout down the street. Less than what you spent on those cookies that you buy out of habit. And just like the cookies you get something in exchange, you get my eBook and be helping someone that you have a direct connection to.
The money will help with Uncle Sam and the reviews will help the eBook make it to the top of the search within kindle to help with additional sales. I will be posting a similar message on Facebook so please understand if you see this more then once.
I never thought I would be here, but here I am. Please help. Thank you and blessings,
Ramona McKee