Attune Magazine April 2013 1 | Page 61

The Moon, Key XVIII in the tarot, is a card of shadows and mystery. It speaks of information that is known to others but not to our self, and our secret guilty pleasures. The shadow of the crab on the table reminds us to rid our mind of clutter and useless information and to not be inconstant or confused. The crab carries a warning to keep our eye out for rivals in both our personal and professional lives. Shadows are mystically linked to their host and injuries to the shadow may be felt by its owner. The shadow is thought to be a reflection of the soul but also a mirror of our imperfections. The shadow can also represent a beneficial legal matter related to an inheritance while reminding us not to take unnecessary risks. It is a reminder to use common sense and use socially acceptable behaviour. We are struggling with dreams of monsters and people of low behaviour which often contain disturbed imagery and further add to our feelings of moody restlessness.

The table represents the gathering of your thoughts and meals of communion with others. It represents a season of hard work and an upturn in social activities. There is cutlery and utensils in the bowl on the table and all the spoons have their faces open to us; this is a good sign of company dropping by and a welcome surprise. Two of the spoons are to prepare for a wedding in the family and the other two are to prepare for the birth of twins somewhere in the family. Brides are often gifted with wooden spoons to ensure them good luck and Welsh lovers carve each other wooden spoons. Spoons are a symbol of domestic happiness but can contain a warning of a loss due to an unwise investment; be sure to investigate thoroughly. The utensils are contained in a earthenware pot, if this pot should break while the cook is thinking of their lover, the number of broken pieces will indicate the number of years of domestic and relationship happiness.