Attune Magazine April 2013 1 | Page 57

There are many ways to laugh and enjoy yourself. Going to see your favorite comedian, or watching a funny TV program, are a couple ways to really lighten your mood. Joking with friends is another way to really laugh, as we can be our true selves and fully let go. Finding humor even in the things we perceive to go wrong, is a good way to laugh too because we can choose to see the humor and positivity in something we may perceive as negative. All these are the ways to bring the essence of laughter into your world. If life were serious all the time, we would get bored and became exceptionally unhappy. Laughter brings us something sensational, something vivacious. Your entire body feels Joy when you laugh. It creates a happy sensation in the heart chakra that moves positive energy through your entire body, mind and spirit. For an instance, we are almost feeling weightless, caught up so deeply in the moment that our outer world may fade away briefly. Now that’s really living, that’s experiencing Life!

Joy and laughter are very closely related but a bit different. One might say laughter brings Joy, and that is a true statement. Within Laughter, there is a very heightened sense of Joy and a momentary release of energy, that flows through you and out into the universe. In my opinion, Laughter should be an essential part of our everyday routine. Not only does it enhance our well-being, but it brings us Joy and uplifts those around us. Being carefree and silly with others creates an enchanting unification with them, which is delightful and fun. Fun and delight are so important to feeling good and free! Joking with others and adding humor to conversations opens our natural connection to our “source” which is peaceful, loving, and jolly. Laughter puts us at ease and helps we relax. We dance with Life! In fact laughter could be viewed as the “hip-hop” dance of life. It moves us, grooves us and enthuses us. I’m not saying you have to go around bouncing off the wall all the time, though a good bounce on a trampoline or bouncing to music, never hurt a thing!